How to Prep Your Skin for New Year's Eve
It's been one heck of a year, and now it's time to celebrate! Of course, you're no partying newbie: you know that staying up past midnight, sumptuous treats, and lots of drinking can all take a toll on your gorgeous complexion.
But you're not about to let skin fear stop you, so what's a partier to do? We've got the answer:
1. Build up your barrier
Before you start applying your fierce NYE makeup, it's important to strengthen your skin and prepare it for the night ahead. The morning of New Year's Eve, gently cleanse your face and then follow it up with a Biocellulose Firming Face Mask. That way, you'll start your night with a smooth, hydrated surface.
2. Protect the lips
You'll be wearing lip product for long past bedtime, and pretty much any lip product will lead to drying. To keep your lipstick looking fresh, it needs to be applied to moisturized lips. Take time during the day to apply a lip mask to smooth and hydrate your lips. You'll be amazed how much better your lipstick stays on, and how much less irritated they are after wearing lipstick all night.
3. Prime time
Now that your skin is moisturized and your lips are prepped, it's important to use makeup primer to create a smooth surface for your makeup. This also prevents makeup from settling into your pores; primer is essentially a barrier between makeup and your skin, and it's an important step many people skip in the interest of time.
Now put your best face forward, and get ready to celebrate the new year!