How to Properly Wear Our Biocellulose Face Masks

How to Properly Wear Our Biocellulose Face Masks

We love seeing our customers post pictures of themselves wearing our masks! But we've noticed a common theme: many people are wearing our biocellulose masks incorrectly. Here's how to avoid some of the most popular mistakes.

1. Open the package.

Our biocellulose masks come in one piece like a traditional mask. Take it out of the package and gently unfold it. 

2. Remove the backing.

Each mask has two parts that need to be removed and discarded. On our biocellulose masks, this piece is a white paper backing. Gently peel away the backing and throw it away (pro tip: you can also pat some of the extra serum on the backing on your neck or anywhere else that needs a little love!).

3. Spread the mask across your face.

It doesn't need to be perfect; you'll just want to gently lay it on your face so that you can remove the other backing.

4. Remove the other backing.

So many customers forget that there are actually two backings! Without removing the external backing, you won't be able to fit the mask to your face to seal it in. The biocellulose mask should look and feel like a jellyfish; if it doesn't, you haven't removed both backings.

Once you have the mask on your face, you'll notice a small tab located near your chin. Use this tab to separate the mesh backing from the rest of the mask.

5. Position and smooth.

With both backings off, you can smooth the mask over your face. It's helpful to start smoothing at your nose, then work outwards to eliminate any air gaps. You can choose to position the mask over your eyebrows or on top of them.

6. Remove and amaze.

After you've allowed the mask to sit on your skin for 20 minutes, peel it off your face. Don't rinse. Let the serum absorb.

For a video tutorial of how to properly apply the biocellulose masks, go here.

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