Skin Terms: Cruelty Free

Skin Terms: Cruelty Free

Skincare and makeup have both had scandalous histories. Lead in makeup has long disfigured the faces of women, and even as recently as the 19th century, arsenic was used in skincare with the promise that it would improve the complexion (it doesn't; please don't try it). However, the internet has allowed women to become more educated about what they put on their skin, and that's a phenomenal advent. In the course of becoming more educated, we've also begun holding manufacturers of skincare and makeup to higher standards. And one of these standards is demanding cruelty free products.
You've likely seen cruelty free products advertised, but if you haven't known what it meant, we're here to give the brief rundown. Cruelty-free products are produced without causing harm or death to animals anywhere in the world. It also means the products are not tested on animals after the product has been manufactured. 
Soon Skincare is proud to be cruelty free. Most of our products are vegan—meaning the ingredients do not come from insects or animals—and none of our products use animal testing anywhere in the manufacturing process.
Why are we so committed to producing cruelty free products? Because we believe in improving the world and causing no harm. We love animals; we don't want to ever injure them in any way, even if it meant making gazillions of dollars. We just believe that skincare is about improving lives—even the lives of animals.
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