Happy Birthday To Soon

Happy Birthday To Soon

Soon Skincare is officially one year old and we are proud of the milestones we have reached. 
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The CDC classifies the following as milestones for a one year old child:

-Has favorite things and people

-Responds to simple spoken requests

-Explores things in different ways

-Lets things go without any help

-Puts things in a container, takes things out of a container

-May stand alone

Soon Skincare is officially one year old and we are proud of the many ways we too have reached these milestones. It hasn't always been easy or simple but we can safely say: our clients are our favorites, we have responded to feedback, we have launched new products and new processes, learned and let go of our mistakes, packaged and unpackaged many containers, and built a company that stands on the same high principles it was founded on. 

We love and appreciate your support through this year and look forward to more milestones in the year to come. To celebrate, we are offering 50% off site wide on all our products and masks. Discounts taken automatically at check out. 

ENJOY and thank you for being a part of our year.